2024-03-15 创业指南 188
雒禄生,甘肃省天水市秦安县人,现定居湖北武汉。党员、军人。毕业于信阳陆军学院、空军指挥学院、华中师范大学。现任央媒文化艺术顾问,《文化视界》杂志艺术顾问,中国世纪大采风书画院副院长,北京古今翰墨书画院副院长,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会第一届常务理事,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会委员,中国互联网联盟外联部主任,中国互联网联盟国际发展部部长,中国书法家协会会员,国际名人百科文艺组委会艺术总监,中华卫视艺术风采栏目组艺术总监,全国书画艺术委员会副主席,世界非物质文化遗产研究院特聘院士。钻研篆刻艺术 50 多年。发表篆刻作品 3000 多枚,蛋雕作品 2000 多枚。被评为军旅篆刻家、书法家、蛋雕艺术家、书法艺术家荣誉。著有《禄生印谱集锦》、《蛋雕艺术鉴赏》、《汉字与书法》。2008 年 10 月雒禄生在参加中、韩书画交流展中,荣获韩国友谊奖。2012 年参加中国台湾书画交流展,荣获台北文化交流贡献奖。2012 年参加湖北省孝感市首届艺术节,书画、蛋雕展览,荣获特别奖。2014 年参加湖北省首届书画大赛,荣获优秀奖。2018年 5 月被中国文化艺术人才管理中心录入中国文化艺术人才库。2018年 9 月应邀参加第 21 届北京艺术博览会。2018 年受邀出席央视演播大厅录制的第六届国际公益事业大典,被授予“2018 年度国际中国艺坛先锋人物”荣誉称号。同年应邀出席参加 2019 全球华夏之星春节联欢晚会的录制,现场登台挥毫泼墨,被授予“最具艺术造诣”荣誉称号。2020 年 7 月入编大型世界艺术刊物《2020 年世界文化艺术人物志》。2021 年 3 月受邀出席央视演播大厅录制的国际中国公益事业大典并荣获《2020 年度国际中国艺坛领航人物奖》。2021 年 5月受邀参加中国美术出版总社主办的中国美术名家邀请展。2021 年 5月应邀参加亚洲品牌强国论坛荣获:2021 年书画界十大品牌创新人物荣誉称号。2021 年受邀出席建党百年大型电视晚会并被授予“最有影响力”艺术家荣誉称号。2021 年作品入编世界《当代书画名家大辞典》。2021 年 5 月作品入展北京地铁《文化中国》主题巡展,投放在北京地铁 1 号线、2 号线、5 号线、8 号线、10 号线、13 号线、八通线 422 辆北京地铁列车展览播出。2021 年 7 月受邀参加二十一届中国世纪大采风电视人物颁奖盛典,特授予“中国艺坛优秀典范人物”荣誉称号。2021 年 12 月当代著名艺术家雒禄生优秀作品入驻抖音,入驻四天时间,点赞人数就达到了:七亿四千多万。2022 年 4月被中国艺术文化发展中心授予“党旗下的艺术家”荣誉称号。2022年 4 月特邀参加《党旗下的艺术》喜迎二十大胜利召开,大型艺术专题活动并授予“当代艺坛巨匠”荣誉称号。2022 年 5 月被艺术家选优工程组委会电视(文化强国)栏目组授予《大国.大家》杰出艺术家优选人才荣誉称号。2022 年 7 月被中国楹联学会书画艺术院聘为书法、美术系系主任。2022 年 8 月以艺坛人物特邀参加第 22 届世纪大采风年度盛典。2022 年 11 月获年度“国际艺术巅峰人物”荣誉称号。2022 年 11 月获全国“实力派书画名家”荣誉称号。2023 年 5 月参加北京心海集团当代书画名家邀请展,任心海书画院副院长。2023年 6 月参加 2023 年东方艺术品之夏,荣获中外文化友好交流使者荣誉称号。2023 年 8 月参加搜星中国香港国际青少年文化艺术盛典,获特邀评委、导师荣誉称号。2023 年 8 月入选 2023 年中国(艺术福布斯)十大名人。2023 年 9 月荣获“世界文化交流伟大贡献奖”。2023 年 9 月,被一带一路文化旅游促进会授予“影响世界十大金牌艺术家”荣誉。2023 年 9 月雒禄生蛋雕艺术作品:《十大元帅.十大将.五十七位上将》被国家录入国宝档案存档。2023 年 10 月,参加大型网络《中国书画大赛》评选大会,荣获一等奖。2023 年 11 月. 中央新影中学生频道《美育视界》栏目聘请为特邀评委、导师。作品“奋斗百年路启航新征程”被中央新影《美育视界》栏目组收藏。2023年 11 月被世界非物质文化遗产研究院聘为终身“特邀院士”。
Luo Lusheng, from Qin'an County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, currently resides in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Party members and military personnel. Graduated from Xinyang Army College, Air Force Command College, and Central China Normal University. At present, he is the cultural and artistic consultant of the Central Media, the artistic consultant of the Cultural Vision magazine, the vice president of theChina Century Caifeng Painting and Calligraphy Academy, the vice president of the Beijing Ancient and Modern Hanmo Painting andCalligraphy Academy, the first standing director of the Calligraphy ArtResearch Association of the Chinese Couplet Association, a member ofthe Calligrapher and Painter Working Committee of the New LiteratureGroup of the Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Association, the directorof the outreach department of the China Internet Alliance, the directorof the International Development Department of the China InternetAlliance, and a member of the Chinese Calligrapher's Association, ArtisticDirector of the International Celebrity Encyclopedia Literature and ArtOrganizing Committee, Artistic Director of the Art Style Program Groupof China TV, Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting ArtCommittee, and Special Academician of the World Intangible CulturalHeritage Research Institute. I have been studying seal carving art for over50 years. Published over 3000 seal carving works and over 2000 eggcarving works. Honored as a military seal engraver, calligrapher, eggcarving artist, and calligraphy artist.He has written "Lu Sheng Yin PuCollection", "Appreciation of Egg Carving Art", and "Chinese Charactersand Calligraphy".In October 2008, Luo Lusheng won the KoreanFriendship Award at the China Korea Calligraphy and Painting ExchangeExhibition. In 2012, he participated in Taiwan, China Calligraphy andPainting Exchange Exhibition and won the Taipei Cultural ExchangeContribution Award. In 2012, participated in the first art festival inXiaogan City, Hubei Province, and won a special award for calligraphy, painting, and egg carving exhibitions. In 2014, participated in the firstHubei Province Calligraphy and Painting Competition and won theExcellent Award. In May 2018, it was included in the Chinese Culturaland Artistic Talent Pool by the China Cultural and Artistic TalentManagement Center. Invited to participate in the 21st Beijing Art Expo inSeptember 2018. In 2018, he was invited to attend the 6th InternationalPublic Welfare Ceremony recorded in the CCTV Studio and was awardedthe honorary title of "2018 International Chinese Art Pioneer". In thesame year, he was invited to participate in the recording of the 2019Global Huaxia Star Spring Festival Gala, where he appeared on stage andsplashed ink, and was awarded the honorary title of "Most ArtisticAttainment". In July 2020, I was included in the large-scale world artpublication "2020 World Cultural and Art Figures". In March 2021, hewas invited to attend the International China Public Welfare Ceremonyrecorded in the CCTV Studio and won the 2020 International China ArtLeading Figure Award. In May 2021, I was invited to participate in theChinese Art Masters Invitation Exhibition hosted by the China NationalArt Publishing Corporation. In May 2021, I was invited to participate inthe Asian Brand Power Forum and was awarded the honorary title of Top10 Brand Innovation Figures in the Calligraphy and Painting Industry in2021. In 2021, he was invited to attend a large-scale television eveningparty celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of theCommunist Party of China and was awarded the honorary title of "MostInfluential" artist. In 2021, his works were included in the WorldDictionary of Contemporary Calligraphers and Painters. In May 2021, thework was exhibited in the Beijing Subway's "Cultural China" themed tour, and was broadcasted at the exhibition of 422 Beijing Subway trains onLine 1, Line 2, Line 5, Line 8, Line 10, Line 13, and Batong Line.In July2021, I was invited to participate in the 21st China Century Caifeng TVCharacter Awards Ceremony and was awarded the honorary title of "Excellent Model Figure in the Chinese Art Industry". In December 2021, outstanding works of the famous contemporary artist Luo Lusheng willbe settled in Tiktok, and within four days, the number of people who likethem will reach more than 740 million. In April 2022, he was awardedthe honorary title of "Artist under the Party" by the China Arts andCulture Development Center. In April 2022, I was specially invited toparticipate in the celebration of the 20th National Congress of theCommunist Party of China and was awarded the honorary title of "Contemporary Art Master" in a large-scale art themed event. In May2022, he was awarded the honorary title of Outstanding Artist SelectionTalent by the Television (Cultural Power) Program Group of the ArtistSelection Project Organizing Committee for "Great Country, GreatPeople". In July 2022, he was appointed as the head of the Calligraphyand Fine Arts Department by the Calligraphy and Painting Art Academyof the Chinese Couplet Society. In August 2022, I was invited as an artfigure to participate in the 22nd Century Grand Harvest AnnualCeremony. Received the honorary title of "International Art SummitFigure" in November 2022. In November 2022, he was awarded thehonorary title of "Strong Calligraphy and Painting Master" nationwide. InMay 2023, participated in the Contemporary Calligraphy and PaintingMasters Invitation Exhibition of Beijing Xinhai Group and served as theVice President of Xinhai Calligraphy and Painting Academy. In June 2023, participated in the 2023 Summer of Oriental Art and was awarded thehonorary title of Ambassador for Friendly Cultural Exchange betweenChina and Foreign Countries. In August 2023, participated in the SoxingChina Hong Kong International Youth Culture and Art Festival and wasawarded the honorary title of special invited judge and mentor. Selectedas one of the Top 10 Celebrities of China (Art Forbes) in August 2023. Received the "Great Contribution Award for World Cultural Exchange" inSeptember 2023. In September 2023, he was awarded the honor of "TenGold Medal Artists Influencing the World" by the the Belt and RoadCultural Tourism Promotion Association. In September 2023, LuoLusheng's egg sculpture artwork "Ten Marshals, Ten Generals, and FiftySeven Generals" was included in the national treasure archives forarchival purposes. In October 2023, participated in the large-scale online"Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Competition" selection conference andwon the first prize. In November 2023, the Central New Film High SchoolStudent Channel's "Aesthetic Education Vision" program hired as a specially invited judge and mentor. The work "Striving for a Century andEmbarking on a New Journey" has been collected by the Central NewFilm "Aesthetic Education Vision" program group. In November 2023, hewas appointed as a lifelong "specially invited academician" by the WorldIntangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute.